
Het programma voor de NEVAC-dag is definitief. Dit jaar bundelt het NEVAC-bestuur de krachten met de Leidse instrumentmakers School (LiS). Aansluitend op de NEVAC-dag organiseert de LiS een van hun inspiratieavonden, waarbij LiS-alumni, studenten en docenten worden uitgenodigd om technische workshops bij te wonen. Dit keer met een presentatie over vacuüm. Deze combinatie met de NEVAC-dag, inclusief de gebruikelijke bedrijvenbeurs, biedt de NEVAC de mogelijkheid om jong technisch talent warm te maken voor vacuümtechnologie.

Meer informatie en aanmelding.
De inschrijving sluit op 7 mei.
Nikhef, Amsterdam
Op deze middag staat instrumentatie centraal en ook het afronden van aanvragen of het initiëren van projecten die kunnen worden ingediend in het strategisch programma “Advanced Instrumentation”. Dit programma stimuleert samenwerkingen van kennisinstellingen (NWO-I, TNO, NOVA en HFML-Felix) met Nederlandse hightech-bedrijven voor de ontwikkeling van geavanceerde instrumenten. De looptijd is vier jaar (2024-2027) en er zijn vier thema’s:

  • ultra sensitieve detectoren;

  • high-performance optica;

  • bestendig instrumentarium voor extreme omstandigheden;

  • complexe systeemintegratie.

The joint European conference provides scientists, researchers and engineers from across Europe, and working in academia, national labs and industry, the opportunity to meet and discuss the latest advances in the physics and chemistry of surfaces as well as their industrial application. It is a forum to discuss the progress of surface science in related innovation fields such as heterogeneous catalysis, organic molecular nano-architectures, two-dimensional materials and graphene, nanoelectronics, bio-nanoscience and functional and energy materials studied both using theoretical and experimental methods.
24th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2024)/ 11th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2024) Helsinki, Finland
The AVS 24th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2024) featuring the 11th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2024) will be a three-day meeting dedicated to the science and technology of atomic layer controlled deposition of thin films and now topics related to atomic layer etching. Since 2001, the ALD conference has been held alternately in the United States, Europe and Asia, allowing fruitful exchange of ideas, know-how and practices between scientists. This year, the ALD conference will again incorporate the Atomic Layer Etching 2024 Workshop (ALE 2024), so that attendees can interact freely.

meer agenda

Applied Vacuum Technology Training

This course is exclusively for Master students, PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers in Physics and Chemistry at Universities.
Information sheet

Link to registration form.

June 11-13, 2024, the Applied Vacuum Technology training will be organised in Delft for Master students, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in Physics and Chemistry. The training is organised under auspices of the NEVAC.

  • Develop an understanding of vacuum phenomena.
  • Get familiar with the operation of vacuum equipment (pumps, gauges, etc.).
  • Increase skills to define design criteria.

Maximum group size: 20 students.
The costs for this advanced training are € 550 pp, including the bookVacuum Science and Technology by Suurmeijer et al., handouts, lunch, drinks.
Lecturers: Dick van Langeveld, David Schijve, Gesa Welker and Marc Zuiddam

Group leaders can also request to organise this training at their university.
Contact: Dr. Gesa Welker

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